Folded Structures Lab

Research Group at the University of Queensland

Research Interests

The UQ Folded Structures Lab has broad research expertise across the interdisciplinary fields of origami-inspired engineering, computational building design, and the invention of lightweight and temporary structures.

Origami-Inspired Engineering

Origami-inspired engineering is a unique discipline – it draws on a historical artistic technique to solve cutting edge technological problems. The field has translated the knowledge of the artist – including folding patterns, materials, and techniques – to the mathematical and computational domain.

This fusion of design technique has led origami-inspired engineers to huge breakthroughs in areas as diverse as robotics, manufacturing, aerospace, and architecture, while maintaining the creative and hand-on prototyping approach of craft-based design.

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Lightweight & Modular Construction

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Computational Building Design

Computational design is the use of computational methods and digital technologies to amplify the capability of an individual designer or design team. Computational methods exist to support all stages of a design process, from problem formulation right through to delivery of a final solution. New methods are also constantly emerging as digital technologies become increasingly prominent across design professions.

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